Upacara Peringatan HUTRI
feel free to call us 021-8910 9765, 8910 9767 info.sma@presiden.sch.id
Paskibraka SMA Presiden Tahun 2021
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Selamat kepada siswa SMA Presiden atas nama :▶️ Prabu Arta Kesawa Gangga Lagosa ??▶️ Tangguh Syarief Gumelar Hetami ??Yang...
Penampilan Marching Band SMA Presiden
dadejuandi, , Galeri Foto, 0
Korps Marching Band SMA Presiden juga turut tampil dalam acara wisuda mahasiswa Universitas Presiden ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included”...
Opening Ceremony of New Students
dadejuandi, , Galeri Foto, 0
” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Events, Galeri Foto, News, 0
✨ Presiden Schools Proudly Present ✨ ☀️WEBINAR STRATEGI GENERASI Z KEMBALI KE SEKOLAH☀️ ‼️Yuk langsung aja ikutan Webinar Strategi...
Presidenta Lokananta: Making Waves at the Chingay Parade – A Spectacle of Indonesian Culture and Talent
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Events, Galeri Foto, Galeri Video, News, 0
The Marching Band from SMA Presiden “Presidenta Lokananta” has scored an incredible opportunity to perform at the renowned Chingay...
Pengumuman Kelulusan Siswa SMA Presiden Angkatan 13
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Senin Pagi, (13/05/2019) Suasana hening terpancar di wajah siswa kelas XII SMA Presiden. Pengumuman kelulusan...
SMA Presiden mengadakan Festival Budaya Nusantara 2019
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Events, Galeri Foto, 0
Kelas X, SMA Presiden dalam rangka tugas akhir tahun ajaran mata pelajaran PPKn menggelar bazaar bertema Festival Budaya Nusantara...
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