Let’s look back at an eventful week filled with learning, competition, and achievements!Last week, we celebrated Hari Pahlawan 2024...
Archive for category: News
feel free to call us 021-8910 9765, 8910 9767 info.sma@presiden.sch.id
Today, SMA Presiden held a flag ceremony to honor Hari Pahlawan 2024 with the theme “Teladani Pahlawanmu, Cintai Negerimu!”...
Pahlawan bukan hanya mereka yang bertempur di medan perang, tapi juga mereka yang berjuang untuk kemajuan bangsa. Mari kita...
Last week was all about preparation, leadership, and national pride! We kicked things off with the UTBK SNBT Try...
Mari kita lanjutkan perjuangan para pemuda dengan semangat persatuan dan kolaborasi sebagai motivasi untuk terus berkarya dan membangun Indonesia...
Amantyajana: A Symphony of Love, Valor, and Heritage
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Events, News, 0October 26th, 2024, SMA Presiden witnessed a breathtaking performance by our talented students at Amantyajana event. This extraordinary event,...
Dirgahayu TNI! Dari masa awal kemerdekaan hingga sekarang, TNI selalu hadir untuk rakyat. Dengan tema tahun ini “TNI Modern...
Batik is more than just a beautiful piece of cloth—it is a symbol of Indonesia’s rich heritage and cultural...
Mari kita jadikan Pancasila sebagai pedoman dalam menjaga keutuhan bangsa dan mempererat persatuan. Semangat Pancasila yang kuat akan mengantar...
SMA Presiden (Boarding School) menerapkan sistem pendidikan terpadu antara akademik, pengembangan kepribadian dan kesamaptaan yang berbasiskan pada pembinaan karakter...
Outstanding Achievement of SMA Presiden at the ATF UI 2 Taekwondo Championship 2024
SMA Presiden, , Banner, News, 0With great pride, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the students of SMA Presiden for their victory at the...
Congratulations to the selected students for being ceremony officials of the National Scout Day 2024
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Events, News, 0We are proud to announce that several students from SMA Presiden have been selected to serve as ceremonial officers...
SMA Presiden is the beginning of their journey of discipline and independence. They believe that education at this boarding...
Opening Ceremony of MPLS & PPKD Academic Year 2024/2025
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Galeri Foto, News, 0The opening ceremony of MPLS & PPKD Academic Year 2024/2025 marks the beginning of an incredible new chapter for...
SMA Presiden mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1446 Hijriah. Tahun baru ini adalah momen penting dalam kalender...
Prestasi Membanggakan! Johanes Adhyaksa Pesik Langie Lolos Seleksi Calon Pengibar Bendera Nasional Indonesia 2024
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Events, News, #SMAPresiden #Prestasi #Paskibraka #BanggaIndonesia, 0SMA Presiden diliputi rasa bangga luar biasa atas prestasi gemilang Johanes Adhyaksa Pesik Langie, siswa kelas X-1 yang berhasil...
Happy Eid al-Adha 1445 H!May we all be blessed with happiness and peace! 🙏 SMA Presiden (Boarding School)Education Based...
On Tuesday, 11 June 2024, an online meeting was held with parents of Batch 21 students for the 2024/2025...
Celebrating Your Glorious Victory: A Tribute to Your Dedication and Perseverance
SMA Presiden, , Banner, Events, News, 0Congratulations!Your victory is not only an achievement, but also a reflection of your incredible dedication and hard work. Today,...
Dengan semangat kebersamaan, mari kita rayakan Hari Lahir Pancasila tahun ini sebagai tonggak kebangkitan menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Pancasila,...
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