Dalam rangka Program Pendidikan Karakter dan Disiplin (PPKD) SMA Presiden (Boarding School) Angkatan XXI Tahun Ajaran 2024/2025, hadir narasumber...
A total of 2390 students from high schools, vocational schools, and Islamic high schools throughout West Java participated in...
SMA Presiden is the beginning of their journey of discipline and independence. They believe that education at this boarding...
Opening Ceremony of MPLS & PPKD Academic Year 2024/2025
SMA Presiden, , Articles, Banner, Galeri Foto, News, 0The opening ceremony of MPLS & PPKD Academic Year 2024/2025 marks the beginning of an incredible new chapter for...
SMA Presiden mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1446 Hijriah. Tahun baru ini adalah momen penting dalam kalender...